Friday, September 22, 2006

Illustration Friday - Phobia

I Will Never Be Clean Again ~ 8/10/03 ~ 9x12


Amy Zaleski said...

Wow, Andrea it looks as if this could be a digital piece. I see a Pac Man screen - don't kill me for saying that. :-)

Teri said...

Wonderful colors and design. I love looking at your art.

Willie Baronet said...

Oh, the dreaded pacmanophobia. ;-)

Andrea said...

PacMan is cool ... as well as a phobia because if I start playing PacMan I will never stop! Thanks y'all!

steve said...

I've got that problem with pac man too. maybe there shuld be an "addiction" category. thanks for breaking this out and sharing it--very electric!

Anonymous said...

nice piece of work; shows how compartmentalized phobias can be

valerie walsh said...

germs are everywhere! love it!

Roz Foster said...

Looks like a bureaucracy to me. : - D Nice, A.

shadows and clouds said...

fear of getting lost in a maze! especially those old big garden ones made of hedges which seem to never end!

Anonymous said...


Hello, I love your stuff.I am art teacher from NC and would like your permission to print some of your art work out to show my students. I am formulating a lesson based on your work style. I would of course be giving you full credit.

Andrea said...


Of course! Thank you so much for asking. I'd love to hear how the class responds. If you want to contact me further feel free to email me! Thanks again.