Friday, September 15, 2006

Illustration Friday - Change

Change Is Coming ~ 10/20/04 ~ 7x9


Teri said...

I just LOVE your designs-theya re so intriguing and I spend way too much time looking at them! :)

Unknown said...

cool design!

Amy Zaleski said...

Whoah! This reminds me of Starlight Mints! Lots of motion in these swirlies, love 'em!

Deborah Champion said...

I love seeing inside peoples books! Thanks for sharing :)

valerie walsh said...

this is like two quilts getting ready for the cold weather!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! Neat, cool, fun, I like this!!!!! Very pretty! Mary :-D

Michael O'Connell said...

i know i always have to take a look at the larger version of your work to really get the full effect… we just opened a show at the museum and this piece reminds me of the work of our headliner… luis cruz azaceta… at least his "spiral" series… well done…

Anonymous said...

Okay, I know I've said this before and it's not looked at as a substantial art form by many people, but these look like pieced fabric. It's incredible! You have such an eye for design! It's amazing! And I know it's crazy, but I can't help but look at this and think of the underground railroad quilts! I can think of no other accolade but, you rock girl!

franhilz said...

its coming? - well, we will here waiting for that


as always, interesting design, big a!

steve said...

I like the symmetry here Andrea. The two designs look as though they are about to converge for some reason. maybe it's the lines that seem to suggest some type of movement to me.

Tanya Nichols said...

So intriguing yet frightening...not sure why? makes me think so I love it!!

nicole falk said...

neat design

Ellen said...

GREAT piece! As usual you astound me!!!

Gabrielle said...

This drawing is magical.

I often wonder how you decide to fill spaces in each drawing, is it sometimes planned and sometimes spontaneous...