Sunday, January 7, 2007

Edit Yourself

Occasionally, I solicit comments from other artists with respect to what I'm doing on this blog and perhaps the biggest critique I receive, is that I need to edit myself more. Since the inception of this blog, I have been posting my sketchbook pages in chronological order, with little or no editing. The viewers have seen the entirety of my first six sketchbooks from front to back. I've decided to make some changes for 2007 and beyond, I will no longer be posting every page. It will be a rough transition for me due to my love of sharing everything (even unfinished pages), but the critique is a valid one. Over saturation is my main concern and if I you are donating your time to visit my blog, the very least I can do is show you a final product. As always, if you have any comments on this matter, shoot them my way. Until then, have a happy 2007 and thanks for dropping by the BGD blog!


steve said...

Understandable Andrea. I can relate, wanting to post everything i do--draw, photograph, etc (though i tend to keep personal matters--friends and family, as personal, for the most). There is such an oversaturation of blogs in general that I even find it difficult to keep up with all the people's work I love but am thankful they post. I'm lucky if I am able to visist a couple of times a week, usually playing catch up with great work such as what you post. I do however love seeing the process of how artists work and wonder if it would be a possibility to post a before and after, or related set of two to three, or whatever. Still, ultimately it is your blog--your place to post whatever you may choose, whenever you want. In the meantime hope the '07 is treating ya well!

Johnnynorms said...

For me, it's always a joy to tune in to Big Gay Dragon. And once I realised you were posting chrono-ways I liked following even more! I very much recognise your quandry - but I personally would like to see a sketchy/unfinished piece if you feel there's a certain something about it.

Anonymous said...

Hey there...I hope the new posting method is a successful change for you. I concur with the previous comments that at least in some instances seeing a progression is great (particularly for others who are artists). On the flipside of that though, it would be sad for someone to dismiss you (your work and blog) if they happened to only see one unfinished and not particularly engaging piece. Thus, it seems like a wise choice to me. People's time is spread thin already, so you may as well show them your best if you get someone to pause in your layer of cyber-space for a moment.

Andrea said...

Thanks everyone for weighing in on this, I obviously still have some thinking to do on the matter.