How can it be? My two adorable cats have gone insane and want to kill each other! It's going to make me bust out and cry like a baby. This photo was taken a week and a half ago...and now they cannot even spend a half hour together in the same room.
I hope whatever is between them blows over or we may have to get rid of one. Probably my little black devil, Clutch. Since she seems to be the one being the aggressor.
Pussy trouble indeed… who hasn’t grappled with that on some level or another? Cats are amazingly complex in their social interactions. No different than us really. Who knows what mysterious transgression has triggered this animosity? Hopefully it will blow over; but don’t hold your breath. Don’t underestimate the endurance of a feline grudge. When I was a kid I had a pair of cats that could barely tolerate each other’s existence. They started out fine, but as they got older and more crotchety they just seemed to get on each-others nerves. When the particularly affectionate one eventually died, the aloof one suddenly became the happiest cat in the world, as if she had finally triumphed over her nemesis. Weird. My friend Jim has a pair of cats who behave similarly and they will seek attention seemingly for no other reason than to deprive the other. Anyway, I hope that isn’t the case here.
As for your comments to my blog, they were quite unexpected (but still quite welcome) so long after the post was made. I did actually receive a few e-mail responses to that particular post; but until now, no one has actually left a comment the page. I had been a little disappointed because I put a lot of effort into its composition and it never did generate the kind of open discussion that I had hoped for. Thank you very much.
PS, I really dig the doodles!
Pussy trouble is never good on any level ;).
I had this trouble with my cats that I have now. For some reason the one cat has turned on the other 2 for no reason. Hs lashing out got so bad that I was afraid for the other cats when I had to go to work.
I took the mean cat )who was always nice until recently) to the vet and he was sick. As it turns out, he had an impacted tooth (who would have thought) and he was mean. Once he had the tooth removed and recovered he was a nice cat again and played well with the others. This was all in the passed 2 months too.
Maybe you should take them to the vet separately for check ups. When we aren't feeling well, we as humans can communicate it. Felines cannot.
Good luck!
Hey, are they doing better now??
My two kitties never cuddle at all... they have a personal space circle about 4 feet in diameter and if one trespasses, it's like fightin' words.
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